Figure 5.
Effects of (a) pre-incubating CEM, CEME1000 (E1000) and CEMVBL (VBL) cells with various concentrations (0–30 µM) of unlabelled saquinavir (SQV) followed by the addition of [3H]SQV and (b) pre-incubating PBMCs with various concentrations (0–30 µM) of unlabelled SQV on the accumulation of [3H]SQV. Bars indicate mean ± SD (n = 4, with four independent observations from cultured CEM and its variant cells and n = 5 with four independent observations from each buffy coat PBMC sample). P values of *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001 indicate statistically significant differences in the CAR of [14C]LPV between control and drug-treated samples.