Figure 7. DYN-1 is required for efficient recruitment of RAB-5 and RAB-7 to phagosomes containing engulfed apoptotic cells in the C. elegans gonad.
Bright field images represent DIC micrographs. Arrows and arrowheads indicate apoptotic germ cells or protein localized around apoptotic germ cells. dyn-1(ky51) worms are shown at the nonpermissive temperature (25 ÂC) unless otherwise stated. Scale bar, 10 Îm. n >10 for each transgenic. Error bars represent s.e.m.
Compared to wild type (aâd), CFP::RAB-5 (e,f) and YFP::RAB-7 (g,h) halos are decreased in the gonad of dyn-1(ky51) mutant worms (f,h, arrowheads); quantitated data is presented in (q). Further, phagosomes appear larger in dyn-1(ky51) mutant worms (e, g, arrowhead and volume quantitated in (s). Nematodes deficient in vps-34 (iâl) or rme-8 (mâp) showed similar decreases in the number of RAB-5 or RAB-7 corpses (quantitated in r).
(t) Schematic of the genetic pathway for phagosome maturation containing apoptotic cells, based on the data presented above and in earlier figures.