Study of the UPR in P23H-3 RHO transgenic (white) and wild-type (black) rats at P30. (A) At P30 in P23H-3 RHO rats, we observed up to 2.7-fold increase in the cleaved pATF6 50kD protein (P<0.03), a 51% increase in peIF2α (P<0.01), a 26% increase in the- level of CHOP protein (P<0.003), and an almost fourfold increase in activated caspase-7 (P < 0.016) (n = 5). (B) At P30 we also observed persistence IRE1 pathway in transgenic retinas. The level of spliced Xbp1 mRNA was fourfold higher in P23H-3 RHO rats compared to wild-type rats, P < 0.012 (n = 6). The bars show the average ± SEM.