Fig. 3.
Loss of hippocampus-specific markers in the Zbtb20−/− CA1 region. Coronal forebrain sections were detected for the indicated genes by in situ hybridization at the indicated stages. (A–F) NP2, EphA4, and EphA6 expression was present in the mutant CA3 and DG, but undetectable in the mutant CA1 (arrowheads in B, D, and F). (G and H) CA1-specific Man1α expression was totally lost in the mutant CA1 (arrowhead in H). (I–L) Decreased KA1 and Prox1 expression in the mutant CA3 (arrowhead in J) and DG (arrowhead in L), respectively. (Scale bars: 200 μm for A–F and I–L; 350 μm for G and H.)