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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 May 15.
Published in final edited form as: Neuroimage. 2010 Feb 1;51(1):421–431. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.01.089

Table 1.

Activations for inhibition, shifting, and their interaction

Anatomical Region L/R BA MNI
T-value Cluster
size (k)
Sel./Pref.? Paired
x y z Main
Middle Frontal Gyrus L 6 −32 2 60 12.97 44042 S In Ic cdghjmo
Medial Frontal Gyrus L 6 −10 0 64 9.47 S In Ic fgno
Middle Frontal Gyrus R 6 28 −4 56 9.17 S In Ic cdgjmo
Inferior Frontal Gyrus L 9 −44 10 30 9.25 S In Ic cdghjlmo
Inferior Frontal Gyrus R 9 52 8 28 9.14 S In Ic Inh. Pref. acdghmo
Anterior Cingulate L 32 −12 30 28 6.65 S In Ic go
Anterior Cingulate R 32 10 30 28 6.09 S In Ic go
Middle Frontal Gyrus L 46 −42 34 22 12.77 S In Ic Sh. Pref. bcdgho
Middle Frontal Gyrus R 46 48 36 24 11.68 S In cdghjo
Inferior Frontal Gyrus/Insula L 47/13 −34 22 4 7.69 S In Ic gmno
Inferior Frontal Gyrus R 47 34 26 2 7.44 S In Ic cdghjmo
Medial Frontal Gyrus L 8/32 −8 18 50 8.40 S In Ic cdgjno
Superior Frontal Gyrus R 8/32 6 12 54 9.38 S In Ic cdfgjmno
Precuneus L 7 −28 −78 38 13.93 S In Ic Sh. Pref. bcdghjlmno
Precuneus R 7 30 −68 42 14.07 S In Ic Sh. Pref. bcdghjlmo
Inferior Parietal Lobule L 40 −46 −44 46 14.37 S In Ic cdghjlmno
Inferior Parietal Lobule R 40 40 −52 48 9.17 S In Ic cdgjno
Caudate Body L −20 −2 22 6.84 In Ic ghl
Caudate Body R 22 −8 20 9.18 S In Ic glno
Cerebellum L −30 −56 −34 14.18 S In Ic cdfgjmno
Cerebellum R 26 −62 −34 10.87 S In Ic cdgjmno
Precentral Gyrus L 44 −52 12 8 6.37 70 In Inh. Pref. aim
Inferior Frontal Gyrus R 47 54 20 −6 6.14 595 In Inh. Pref. aijm
Precentral Gyrus R 44 52 10 12 6.08 In Ic Inh. Pref. am
Inferior Frontal Gyrus R 45 58 18 6 5.31 In Inh. Pref. aim
Middle Frontal Gyrus R 6/8 32 6 44 5.81 40 S In Ic Inh. Sel. acgjmo
Superior Frontal Gyrus R 6 6 16 66 5.63 369 In Inh. Pref. agijm
Superior Frontal Gyrus R 8 6 44 52 5.30 Inh. Pref. aim
Middle Frontal Gyrus R 9 42 10 38 4.70 52 In Ic Inh. Sel. acgjm
Inferior Frontal Gyrus R 47 52 44 −12 4.29 13 Inh. Pref. ak
Middle Frontal Gyrus R 9 54 24 30 4.14 9 S In Inh. Pref. acdghjm
Superior Frontal Gyrus R 10 28 66 20 3.98 11 In Inh. Sel. acjm
Inferior Parietal Lobule L 40 −68 −34 26 8.53 209 Inh. Pref. aik
Superior Temporal Gyrus L 22 −62 −38 20 5.56 Inh. Pref. agk
Inferior Parietal Lobule R 40 60 −34 50 6.53 1234 In Ic Inh. Sel. acgjmo
Middle Temporal Gyrus R 39 58 −60 8 6.40 Inh. Pref. aem
Superior Temporal Gyrus R 22 64 −50 18 6.37 Inh. Pref. aim
Parietal Lobe L 40 −60 −36 52 5.43 12 S In Ic Inh. Pref. afgjmno
Postcentral Gyrus R 40 64 −24 24 5.07 96 Inh. Pref. agi
Middle Temporal Gyrus L 39 −60 −60 10 4.97 71 Inh. Pref. ag
Superior Temporal Gyrus L 22 −56 −2 2 4.43 32 Inh. Pref. aefgm
Middle Temporal Gyrus R 21 54 −44 4 5.74 Inh. Pref. akm
Caudate Body R 10 4 12 6.80 178 In Ic Inh. Pref. ago
Caudate Body R 12 16 8 5.85 In Inh. Pref. a
Putamen L −16 8 2 5.29 76 In Ic Inh. Pref. amo
Caudate Head L −10 16 6 5.29 Inh. Pref. ak
Caudate Head L −16 20 −4 4.30 14 Inh. Pref. a
Cerebellum L −22 −70 −34 5.59 96 S In Ic Inh. Sel. acgjmo
Inferior Parietal Lobe L 7 −26 −56 40 7.68 9 S In Ic Sh. Pref. bcdghjlo

Notes. Statistics for peak voxels and surrounding ROIs from each significant cluster of activation. Clusters were identified from the IS > NN, IN > NS, and NS > IN contrasts with an FDR-corrected threshold of p = .05, k = 9. Clusters that also exhibited activation in the main effect factorial analyses for shifting (S), incongruent referenced to neutral (In), and incongruent referenced to congruent (Ic) are noted. Clusters exhibiting multiple main effects are present in the conjunction of those effects. Large clusters of activation were broken into smaller clusters according to anatomical boundaries (Brodmann areas) and were identified as the peak voxel within the anatomical region. ROIs were defined as 6mm spheres around each peak voxel and were interrogated for activation in each of the six experimental conditions. Paired t-tests (α = .05) were conducted to determine which ROIs displayed significantly different activations in each condition. The results of these paired t-tests are given as: a = IN > NS, b = NS > IN, c = IN > NN, d = NS > NN, e = IS > IN, f = IS > NS, g = IS > NN, h = CN > NN, i = CS > NS, j = CS > NN, k = NN > CN, l = NS > CS, m = IN > CN, n = IS > CS, o = IS > CN. Based on these t-tests, regions were labeled as selective or preferential for inhibition or shifting. ROIs identified from the IN > NS and NS > IN contrasts will be classified as preferential (but not selective) to inhibition or shifting by definition. Cortical regions are grouped by cluster and reported in the anterior to posterior direction, followed by subcortical regions. Inhibition selective regions are reported in bold type.

NN = Neutral Non-Shifting, NS = Neutral Shifting, IN = Incongruent Non-Shifting, IS = aIncongruent Shifting, CN = Congruent Non-Shifting, CS = Congruent Shifting, Inh. = Inhibition, Sh. = Shifting, Sel. = Selective, Pref. = Preferential.