Figure 10.
AAS-induced symmetry-breaking in crystals of d(CGCG[BrU]G) (Sanishvili et al., 2007 ▶; Schiltz & Bricogne, 2008 ▶). The crystal packing of d(CGCG[BrU]G) molecules viewed down the crystal c axis is displayed in the upper picture. The origin is located in the upper left corner and the a axis is along the vertical direction. The eight C—Br moieties in the unit cell are shown, with the Br atoms highlighted as green spheres. Owing to the orientation of the helical DNA duplexes in the crystal, all C—Br bonds are oriented almost perpendicular to [001]. Also displayed is the in-plane component of the X-ray polarization direction, which remained fixed during the whole data collection. The middle picture represents an anomalous difference Fourier map computed from data collected at the Br K edge after merging in point group 222. The symmetry elements of the crystal space group P212121 are displayed in blue. The lower map was computed from the same data merged in point group 1, i.e. not imposing any symmetry. The figures printed in red next to each peak indicate the angle between the direction of X-ray polarization and the C—Br bond direction of the corresponding Br site.