Table 2.
Study | Experimental design | Sample | Major results |
Bowen et al. (2004)59 |
Randomized. GC vs. psychosocial counseling vs. control group |
354 women with breast cancer family history, not consistent with BRCA mutation |
Participants in both counseling groups had lower perceived risk at follow up compared to controls (p<.01) |
Cancer worry decreased in both counseling groups (p<.05) |
Calzone et al. (2005)60 |
Randomized. Group vs. individual pre-test education session |
142 patients at high risk for carrying BRCA mutation |
No significant differences in knowledge or distress between groups |
Green et al. (2004)61 |
Randomized. Standard one- on-one GC vs. computer- based educational program and GC |
211 women with personal or family histories of breast cancer |
Mean increase in knowledge significantly higher in computer group among low-risk women (p=.03) but not high-risk women |
Reduction in perceived risk greatest among low-risk women in counselor group (p<.001) |
Lerman et al. (1997)62 |
Randomized. Education vs. education and non-directive psychosocial counseling vs. control |
400 women at low to moderate risk with family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer |
Significant increases in knowledge in both intervention groups (p<.001) |
Significant increases in perceived limitations and risks of testing among counseling group (p<.01) |
No difference in testing intentions between groups | |||
Lobb et al. (2002)63 |
Randomized. Received or not an audiotape of pre testing GC session |
193 unaffected and affected women from high risk breast cancer families |
Risk perception less accurate in audiotape group among unaffected women (p=0.05) |
Women in intervention group who listened to the audiotape had greater reductions in anxiety (p=.02) and depression (p=.01) |
Mancini et al. (2006)64 |
Non-randomized. Standard patient information booklet vs. no booklet |
560 affected women considering BRCA1/2 testing |
Booklet group had greater knowledge (p=.001) and satisfaction with information provided (p=.001) |
Women in booklet group had stronger testing intentions (p=.009) |
Miller et al. (2005)65 |
Randomized. Enhanced counseling vs. general health information session following standard GC |
77 high-risk women undergoing BRCA1/2 testing |
At 6 months, information seeking about prophylactic oophorectomy higher in enhanced counseling group (p=.04) |
At 6 months, 28% of those in enhanced counseling group had undergone prophylactic oophorectomy, compared to 6% of controls (p=.03) |
Skinner et al. (2002)66 |
Randomized. Tailored vs. non-tailored print materials |
325 women considering BRCA1/2 testing with personal and family histories of breast and/or ovarian cancer |
Those in tailored materials group had significantly greater improvement in knowledge (p<.0001) and less over-estimation of risk of being a mutation carrier (p<.0001) |
No significant differences between groups in anxiety or expectations about testing |
van Roosmalen et al. (2004)67 |
Randomized. Received decision aid or control group |
368 affected and unaffected women being tested for a BRCA mutation |
Decision aid group more frequently considered prophylactic surgery at 4 weeks (p=.02) |
Decision aid group had more accurate risk perceptions and felt better informed (p<.01) |
No differences between groups for anxiety, depression, cancer distress |
Wakefield et al. (2008)68 |
Randomized. Decision aid or control pamphlet in pre testing GC session |
148 affected and unaffected women considering BRCA testing |
Decision aid group felt more informed (p=.003) and had higher knowledge levels (p<.05) |
Wang et al. (2005)69 |
2×2 factorial design. CD- ROM program for patients; feedback checklist for genetic counselor |
197 women attending BRCA counseling |
Patients who viewed CD-ROM significantly less likely to undergo genetic testing (33% vs. 47%; OR=0.63; 95% CI: 0.45–0.89) |
Feedback group had greater increases in knowledge (p<.05) |
Among those less worried at baseline, the CD-ROM group had no increase in worry over time, others had increase in worry (p<.005) |
Watson et al. (1998)70 |
Randomized. Audiotape vs. standard consultation |
115 women with family history of breast cancer |
Worry decreased in audiotape condition (p=.002) |
Audiotape had no effect on recall of genetic risk estimate |
GC=genetic counseling