Results of the cortical parcellation. (a) Regional GM development shown as scatter plots of volume in mm3 by age in months. At the center are 3D meshes of the GM cortical parcellation (the one on the right has had the outer lobes removed to reveal interior structures). Light green (prefrontal), yellow (frontal motor), orange (parietal), red (occipital), brown (cingulate), fuschia (insula), bright pink (temporal limbic), aqua (cerebellum), purple (temporal visual), bright green (temporal auditory). (b) Regional WM development shown as scatter plots of volume in mm3 by age in months. At the center are 3D meshes of the WM cortical parcellation (the one on the right has had the outer lobes removed to reveal interior structures). Colors as above. Regional volumes are the sum of the bilateral regions in both hemispheres. When there was no evidence of a significant effect of age on estimation of brain volume, no regression line was fitted.