BAK is required for ceramide synthase activity. a, WT and BAK KO BMK cells were left untreated or UV-C-irradiated, and dihydrosphingosine (DHSph, sphinganine) levels were measured and normalized to total lipid phosphate. b, WT and BAK KO BMK cells were left untreated or UV-C-irradiated for 2 h and labeled with C17-sphingosine. Long-chain C17-ceramides were measured by mass spectrometry. *, p ≤ 0.001 as measured via a two-way ANOVA with a Bonferroni post-test. c, long-chain ceramide synthase activity was measured in vitro in microsomes isolated from WT and Bak KO cells utilizing C16 fatty acyl-CoA and C17-sphingosine as substrates. *, p ≤ 0.001 according to Student's t test. d, very long-chain ceramide synthase activity was measured in vitro in microsomes isolated from WT and BAK KO cells utilizing C14 fatty acyl-CoA and C17 sphingosine as substrates. a–c, data are the mean of three independent experiments. Error bars, ±S.D. d, data are the mean of two independent experiments each performed in duplicate. Error bars, ±S.E.