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. 1998 May 2;316(7141):1337–1343. doi: 10.1136/bmj.316.7141.1337


Estimated survival percentages and absolute benefits of streptokinase both overall and in patient subgroups during days 0-35 and day 0 to year 4

No of patients randomised
Follow up in days 0-35
Follow up in day 0 to year 4
Survival (%)
Absolute benefit (CI*) per 1000 patients Survival (%)
Absolute benefit (CI*) per 1000 patients
Category of patient at entry to study SK Placebo SK Placebo SK Placebo
Hours from onset:
 0-3 2551 2557 91.8 87.5 43 (21 to 65) 77.7 73.0 48 (15 to 80)
 4-6 2799 2803 90.4 87.8 26 (4 to 47)  73.8 72.2  16 (−16 to 48)
 7-12 2018 2008 89.4 87.4 19 (−7 to 45) 72.8 70.4  24 (−15 to 62)
 13-24 1224 1227 91.3 89.0 23 (−8 to 54) 74.2 72.2  20 (−29 to 69)
Age (years):
 <70 6949 6910 93.0 90.2 27 (15 to 40) 79.9 77.5 23 (4 to 42) 
 ⩾70 1643 1685 81.0 77.7 33 (−3 to 69) 53.1 49.0 41 (−7 to 89)
 Male 6522 6612 92.0 88.9 31 (18 to 44) 76.3 73.2 31 (10 to 51)
 Female 2023 1930 86.6 84.2 24 (−5 to 53) 70.3 68.2  21 (−18 to 60)
Pre-randomisation ECG:
 Bundle branch block  373  385 79.3 74.8   45 (−33 to 124) 55.0 52.3   27 (−70 to 124)
 Anterior ST elevation 2067 2056 89.1 81.8  73 (44 to 101) 72.0 65.8  62 (24 to 101)
 Inferior ST elevation 2128 2152 92.5 90.9 15 (−6 to 37) 78.2 76.1  21 (−13 to 56)
 ST depression  610  605 81.3 82.4 −11 (−68 to 46) 61.6 60.8   9 (−66 to 83)
 Other 2398 2288 95.4 93.8 16 (−1 to 33) 81.7 79.4 22 (−9 to 54)
 Yes  620  669 87.9 82.5 54 (3 to 105) 62.0 59.3   27 (−49 to 102)
 No 7880 7832 91.0 88.3 26 (14 to 39) 75.9 73.2 27 (9 to 46) 
Previous myocardial infarction:
 Yes 1497 1442 87.0 82.7 43 (9 to 77)  59.7 57.8  18 (−30 to 67)
 No 7003 7059 91.6 88.9 26 (13 to 39) 78.2 75.1 32 (12 to 51)
Treatment comparisons:
 SK plus aspirin v aspirin alone 4292 4295 91.9 89.2 27 (11 to 44) 75.7 73.3 24 (−1 to 49)
 SK alone v double placebo 4300 4300 89.5 86.4 31 (13 to 49) 73.9 70.7 32 (6 to 58) 
Overall 8592 8595 90.7 87.8 29 (20 to 38) 74.8 72.0 28 (14 to 42)

SK=streptokinase, ECG=electrocardiogram.  


95% confidence intervals given for overall absolute benefits at day 35 and end of year 4, and 99% confidence intervals for absolute benefits in subgroups of patients.  

Includes 164 streptokinase patients and 152 placebo patients who also had inferior ST elevation.  

Includes some patients with normal electrocardiograms.