Figure 1.
Experimental times, conditions, and summary of results comparing in vivo and explant organ cultures. (a) Experimental times and conditions (normoxia, NOX, large white arrows; hypoxia, HOX, large black arrows) for explant organ cultures are illustrated with respect to gestation period from E12 to P4. Symbols designate manipulations of explants under normoxia and hypoxia. The right-side column summarizes the expressions of neuroendocrine markers with respect to gestational times. Symbols: down arrow, start time of organ culture; circle, E12 + 6-day NOX; hatched circle, E16 + 6-day NOX; square, E12 + 6-day HOX; hatched square, E16 + 6-day HOX; triangle, E12 + 1-day NOX + 1-day NOX; diamond, E12 + 1-day HOX + 1-day NOX; oval, E12 + 6-day NOX + 1-day NOX; pentagon, E12 + 6-day HOX + 1-day NOX. (b) Results are summarized for expressions of these markers in PNEC/NEB relative to Mash-1-positive cells in mouse lungs during this gestational period. Each time point represents morphometric data obtained from five sections (five different pregnancies). A series of sections were immunostained and sections with the maximum number of Mash-1-positive cells were then enumerated for all other markers and expressed as a percentage relative to Mash-1-positive cells. Bars: horizontal black bars, Mash-1; white, Prox-1; gray stippled, PGP9.5; diagonal gray stripes, CGRP; black filled, SV2.