The schematic architecture of the LASR (left) and SRN (right) networks. In LASR, memory takes the form of a shift-register. New events enter the register on the right and all previous register contents are shifted left by one position. A single layer of detector units learns to predict the next sequence element given the current contents of the register. Each detector is connected to all outcomes at all memory slots in the register. The model is composed of N detectors corresponding to the N event outcomes to be predicted (the weights for only two detectors is shown). In contrast, in the SRN, new inputs are presented on a bank of input units and combine with input from the context units to activate the hidden layer (here, solid arrows reflect fully connected layers, dashed arrows are one-to-one layers). On each trial, the last activation values of the hidden units are copied back to the context units giving the model a recurrent memory for recent processing. In both models, learning is accomplished via incremental error-driven adaptation of learning weights.