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. 2010 Mar 26;107(12):199–205. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2010.0199

Table 2. List of the most common locations of contusions and traumatic microbleeds*.

Location Contusions Location Traumatic micro-‧hemorrhages
n % (rel.) n % (rel.)
Frontal 117 36.6 (75) 2.2 Frontal 124 38.8 (83.8)
– Isolated polar 7 5.3 – Isolated 38 11.9 (25.7)
– Isolated basal 17 – Isolated F1 29 9.1 (19.6)
Temporal 91 12 28.4 (58) 3.8 Corpus callosum 52 16.2 (35.1)
– Isolated polar – Corpus 20 6.2 (38.5)
- Splenium 11 3.4 (21.1)
– Genu 4 1.2 (7.6)
– Corpus + splenium 11 3.4 (21.1)
Frontal + temporal 28 8.8 Frontal + corpus callosum 11 3.4 (7.4)
Parietal 12 3.8 (7.7)
Occipital 9 2.8 (5.8)
Cerebellar 3 0.9 (1.9)
– Frontal pole/front base 10 3.1
– Frontal pole/temporal pole 7 2.2
– Frontal pole/front base/temporal pole 7 2.2
– Front base/temporal pole 14 4.4

*Absolute and relative, in relation to each specific injury type and location; F1: Gyrus frontalis superiorN.B.: Pathologies of the same kind in multiple locations were counted each time; for the locations of traumatic microbleeds, see also (4) rel.: relative; n: number