Fig. 3.
IsoK reacts with PE to form pyrrole adduct. IsoK was incubated with a commercial preparation of PE and negative ion limited mass scanning from m/z 600 to 1200 performed on the starting reactants and reaction mixture to identify novel ions in the reaction mixture. A: Limited mass scans of the commercial PE preparation containing primarily C34:1 PE (m/z 716.7) as well as some C34:2 PE, C36:1 PE, and C36:2 PE. B: Limited mass scans of the IsoK preparation. C: Limited mass scans of the reaction mixture of PE and IsoK showing novel peaks with +316 amu mass shifts from the PE preparation, consistent with the formation of IsoK-PE pyrrole adducts. IsoK, γ-ketoaldehyde isomer; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine.