Figure 4.
Kinship clusters of amino acids. Kinships of amino acids based on their frequencies over eukaryotes (4a) and eubacteria (4b). Amino acids were clustered using SPSS11.0 software by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient of their frequencies over 10 eukaryotic organisms or 495 eubacteria. As illustrated in 4a and 4b, the 20 alpha-amino acids were divided into two clusters: cluster 1 (A, C, G, H, P, Q and R) and cluster 2 (D, I, K, N, and Y) for eukaryotes and cluster 1 (A, G, P, R, V, and W) and cluster 2 (F, K, I, N, and Y) for eubacteria. The number besides the amino acids indicates their frequency order in Figure 1.