Table 2.
Pairwise genetic differentiation for sympatric populations of Lakes Stechlin and Breiter Luzin.
Lake Breiter Luzin C. albula | Lake Breiter Luzin C. lucinensis | Lake Stechlin C. albula | Lake Stechlin C. fontanae | |
Lake Breiter Luzin C. albula | 0.063 (0.055-0.071) |
0.028 (0.023-0.033) |
0.113 (0.102-0.126) |
Lake Breiter Luzin C. lucinensis | 0.049 (0.042-0.057) |
0.063 (0.055-0.072) |
0.054 (0.047-0.062) |
Lake Stechlin C. albula |
0.027 (0.022-0.033) |
0.052 (0.045-0.060) |
0.083 (0.074-0.092) |
Lake Stechlin C. fontanae |
0.091 (0.081-0.103) |
0.043 (0.036-0.050) |
0.043 (0.037-0.052) |
Genetic differentiation (θB with 95% credibility intervals in parentheses) for the two sympatric population pairs of the Coregonus albula complex. Values were calculated with HICKORY based on all 1264 AFLP loci (above diagonals) and after removal of n = 95 loci putatively under selection at p = 0.95 (below diagonals).