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. 2010 Apr 13;5(4):e10165. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0010165

Table 1. Description of model parameters.

Description Value Units Ref
m Ratio of mosq.1 to humans. scaled2 mosq. per human -
a Biting rate per mosquito on humans. scaled bite × mosq−1 × day-1 -
b Probability of transmission. scaled - -
n Extrinsic incubation period. varied days [14], [15], [42], [43], [46]
p Daily probability of death for adult female mosq. in constant mortality models. 0.030698 - [34]
x Mosquito age. - days -
P(x) Daily probability of death for adult female mosq. in age dependent mortality models. function of x, α, β, γ - [34]
Ωx Proportion of mosq. population of age x. function of p(x) or p
e(x) Life expectancy of a mosquito of age x. function of p(x) or p days [34]
α Initial hazard3 for age-dependent models. 0.0018 death × mosq.-1 × day-1 [34]
β Exponential increase in hazard with age for age dependent models. 0.1416 - [34]
γ Hazard deceleration for age-dependent models. 1.0730 - [34]
σ Mosq. age at first bloodmeal. 2 days [34]
rA Daily probability of mosq. death from control. Varied - -
rL Proportional reduction in mosq. recruitment from control. Varied - -
i, j, k Indices for calculating mosq. survival parameters in discrete time steps. - days -

In this table the abbreviation mosq. indicates adult female mosquitoes.


Scaled indicates that this parameter has been normalized to one in the model because the sensitivity analyses are assumed not to interact with such parameters.


Hazard refers to the instantaneous rate of mortality.