Figure 2. Four Examples of Electrode Responses to Different Object Categories.
Spectrograms showing induced responses to image presentation during the Object Category experiment. Colors indicate power increase (red) or decrease (blue) relative to prestimulus baseline.
(A) Low-order visual electrode.
(B–D) High-order, target-selective electrodes: man-made object-selective (B) and face-selective (C and D). Note that the low-order visual electrode does not show category selectivity and has short response latency, while the high-order electrodes show longer latency and clear category selectivity. The exact location of each electrode (number marked in top right corner of each panel, along with area) can be found in Figure 1 enlargements. IOS, inferior occipital sulcus; FG, fusiform gyrus; LO, lateral occipital. n = number of trials.
Red horizontal bar indicates image presentation duration.