Figure 6. Reduced fertility in Pomc-Cre, Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox mice.
A, Number of pups born to Lepr flox/flox, IR flox/flox (white bars), Pomc-Cre, IR flox/flox (grey bars), Pomc-Cre, Lepr flox/flox (striped bars), and Pomc-Cre, Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox dams (black bars) that were 1.5–3 months of age (n=7–30), 4–5 months of age (n=7–14), or 6–8 months of age (n = 7–9). B, Percentage of Lepr flox/flox, IR flox/flox (white bars) and Pomc-Cre, Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox dams (black bars) caged with control males that failed to produce a litter in two months. C, Pomc-Cre, Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox mice (black bars, n=7) and littermate controls (Lepr flox/flox, IR flox/flox; white bars, n=7) were examined daily for 3 weeks for estrus length via vaginal cytology. Smears showing predominantly cornified cells were considered estrus-like. Data was analyzed by t-test. D, Blood was collected from female mice on diestrus as determined by vaginal cytology for assay of luteinizing hormone levels by RIA. Groups were compared by t-test. (n=16, 20) E, relative expression of GnRH as measured by qPCR in Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox (white bars, n=7), Leprflox/flox,POMC-Cre (striped bars, n=7), and Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox POMC-Cre (black bars, n=7) female mouse hypothalami. Values are means +/− SE. E,F, Sliced and H&E stained paraffin-embedded ovarian tissue from Pomc-Cre, Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox mice (black bars, n=10) and littermate controls (Lepr flox/flox, IR flox/flox; white bars, n=10, 6) was examined for number of degenerating ova. G, Blood was collected from female mice on diestrus for assay of testosterone levels by RIA. (n=7) H, relative expression of murine 3β-HSD type I as measured by qPCR in Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox (white bars, n=10), and Leprflox/flox IRflox/flox POMC-Cre (black bars, n=11) female mouse ovaries by qPCR. Values are presented as means +/− SE. Groups were compared by t-test.