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. 2010 Apr 15;6(2):163–168.

Table 1.

Sample characteristics (N = 48), Mean (± SD).

Variables Normal Subjects (AHI < 10, N = 8) Apneic Subjects (AHI ≥ 10, N = 40) p value
Demographic Variables
        Male 4 35 0.031*
        Female 4 5
        White 5 35 0.116
        Black 3 5
    Age (years) 49.50 (9.23) 49.15 (9.51) 0.924
    BMI (kg/m2) 28.68 (5.26) 29.85 (5.56) 0.734
    Education (years)a 14.83 (4.02) 15.72 (2.46) 0.619
Sleep Variables
    AHI (events/h) 5.19 (3.05) 32.87 (21.16) < 0.001*
    ODI (events/h) 3.59 (2.24) 21.88 (22.59) < 0.001*
    Average Oxygen Saturation 95.00 (1.29) 92.03 (15.12) 0.596
    Sleep Stage (%)
        Stage 1 8.08 (2.55) 13.68 (9.39) 0.040*
        Stage 2 57.58 (4.91) 55.17 (10.69) 0.331
        Slow Wave Sleep 8.68 (7.33) 12.13 (10.69) 0.523
        REM 25.69 (5.54) 19.03 (6.65) 0.011*
PVT Variables
    Count of Lapses (Response Time > 500 msec) 2.63 (3.46) 1.75 (2.46) 0.615

    Average Response Time (msec) 288.01 (52.33) 264.78 (42.85) 0.213
Psychological Variables
    CES-D 12.50 (8.02) 11.23 (9.14) 0.523
    Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scaleb 21.50 (5.63) 18.18 (6.58) 0.283
    MFSI (Short Form) Total −3.63 (8.02) 7.45 (16.74) 0.076
    MFSI (Short Form) Subscales
        General Fatigue 4.00 (3.74) 8.00 (6.23) 0.107
        Physical Fatigue 2.63 (1.51) 3.53 (3.71) 0.946
        Emotional Fatigue 2.38 (2.56) 3.85 (3.73) 0.268
        Mental Fatigue 2.25 (1.83) 4.60 (3.56) 0.069
        Vigor 14.88 (3.68) 12.53 (4.59) 0.107

OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; BMI, body mass index; AHI, apnea hypopnea index; ODI, oxygen desaturation index; REM, rapid eye movement sleep; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; MFSI, Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory


N = 42;


N = 46;


p < 0.05