Elastic moduli of aorta and ECM components estimated at macroscopic, microscopic, and nanoscopic (molecular) length scales. With the exception of elastin, the component ECM molecules are stiffer than the microscopic tissue structures tested in this study. These microscopic structures are, in turn, stiffer than macroscopic regions of the whole tissue. The references for the values in this figure are taken from: 1. Gozna et al.,50 2. Reddy.,51 3. Laurent et al.,55 4 and 5. values from this study, 6. Gosline45 (elastin), 7. Sherratt et al.11 (fibrillin microfibrils), 8. Gosline et al.45 (fibrillar collagen), and 9. Yang et al.46 (single collagen fibrils).