Table 5.
Simple Pearson product-moment correlations between baseline CAI scales and 3-month drug use and illegal activity in the in-treatment group
Drug use and illegal activity | Household (N=80) |
Family (N=85) |
Friends (N=76) |
Community (N=101) |
Days used (past 30 days) heroin at 3 months | -.138 | -.017 | -.102 | -.001 |
Days used (past 30 days) cocaine at 3 months | -.042 | .040 | -.136 | -.030 |
Whether used heroin (past 30 days) at 3 months | -.202 | -.106 | .-.014 | -.016 |
Whether used cocaine (past 30 days) at 3 months | -.114 | -.099 | -.128 | -.114 |
Days did illegal activity (past 30 days) at 3 months | -.084 | .020 | -.159 | -.048 |