Indicator | Iatrogenic Pneumothorax |
Description | Procedure related pneumothorax |
Rationality | Associated mortality and morbidity, prolonged stay, cost implications |
Formula for calculation | (Number of pneumothorax / Number of cases) X 1000 |
Patient population | Intensive care |
Source of data | Hospital record |
Type of parameter | Morbidity, safety |
Bench mark | 0.83per1000cases[1] 5% (interstitial emphysema/ pneumothorax /pneumomediastinum /subcutaneous emphysema)[2] |
References | 1. AHRQ national average. Sharp health care. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award application, 2007. |
2. Delgado MC, Pericas LC, Moreno JR, et al. Quality indicators in critically ill patients. SEMICYUC work groups. 1st ed. May 2005. ISBN 6095974. |