Figure 1.
Interaction between membrane and actin network filaments at the leading edge. The lamellipodial actin network has two functionally different parts: a cross-linked part forming a gel, and a brush of free fluctuating polymer ends extending toward the cell membrane. The position of the membrane is described by the function y(x). The boundary between the brush and the cross-linked network region is described by the function yg(x). Filaments attach to the membrane at rate ka, and attached filaments detach at rate kd. Detached filaments elongate by polymerization with velocity vp. Cross-linkers continuously bind to the free polymers, so that the gel boundary yg(x) advances at velocity vg. (Inset A) Force fd exerted by detached filaments depends on the contour length l, distance to the membrane tangent z, and angle θ. (Inset B) Force fa exerted by attached filaments depends on the relation between the distance to the membrane z, the projection R‖ of the equilibrium end-to-end distance on the membrane normal, and the contour length l. (Inset C) Geometry of the problem: P1 is the fixed end of the filament and P1P2 is the grafting direction. The distance z from P1 to the local tangent to the membrane at P2 relates to y – yg by z/cos(θ0 + α) = (y – yg)/cos θ0, where α = arctan yx is the local slope of the membrane.