Cholesterol inhibited M currents in SCG neurons. SCG neurons were studied under whole cell patch clamp. M currents were monitored by 1-s hyperpolarizing steps to −60 mV from a holding potential of −20 mV at 5-s intervals as shown in the inset. A–C, time course for the effect of 150 μm MβCD/Chol on M currents. MβCD/Chol was applied to the bath. Representative current traces are shown on the right (A). The time course of M current amplitude during cumulatively increasing concentrations of MβCD/Chol are indicated (B). In the presence of empty MβCD (3 mm) in the pipette solution, inhibition of M channel by 150 μm MβCD/Chol was significantly reduced (C). Insets denote the pulse protocol and representative current traces recorded during experiments. D, summary of the percent inhibitions of M currents. Error bars indicate S.E. The numbers in parentheses indicate the number of cells tested.