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. 2010 Jan-Mar;55(1):79–85. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.60359

Table 3.

Differential diagnosis of classic dengue fever associated morbilliform eruption

Disease Incubation/presenting symptoms Morphology Distribution of rash Associated findings Laboratory findings
Measles 8-12 days, rhinitis, cough, fever Erythematous macules and papules, later becomes confluent Begins on neck and face, spreads down and become generalized and as it fades it leaves a brownish hue with fine desquamation Koplik's spots, exudative conjunctivitis, photophobia, pneumonia Leucopenia, low ESR, IgM positive (measles, immunoglobulin)
German measles (Rubella) 14-23 days, mild URI, fever, eye pain, lymphadenopathy Pinpoint maculopapular rash Begins on face and spreads to trunk and extremities Tender cervical lymphadenopathy, transient polyarthralgia and polyarthritis irritability, febrile seizures Nasal culture for virus antibody titers
Roseola (Exanthem subitum HHV-6) 5-15 days, high fever for 3-5 days, diarrhea, cough Pale pink macules and papules Trunk, neck and proximal extremities Leucocytosis at the onset and leucopenia later
Infectious mono-nucleosis Fever, malaise Polymorphic macularerythema ± petechiae, urticaria, erythema multiforme like lesions Generalized Pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, pinhead petechiae at the junction of soft and hard palate (Forschheimer's spots) Leukocytosis, atypical lymphocytes LFT (transaminases and bilirubin) may be elevated, serology for heterophilic antibodies positive
Secondary syphilis Fever, headache, pharyngitis Polymorphic macules/papules/psoriasiform papules Generalized Lymphadenopathy ± condyloma lata ± moth eaten alopecia VDRL positive
Typhoid fever Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, headache 2-3 mm pink grouped papules (Rose spots) generalized erythema “erythema typhosum” Generalized, trunk Rose spot cultures may be Salmonella typhi positive
Chikungunya fever 3-12 days, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, headache, vomiting Flushing erythema maculopapular lesions, ± petechiae Trunk and extremities Severe joint pains, conjunctival injection Normal CBC, raised ESR, raised C-reactive protein, Chikungunya IgM positive
Lepto-spirosis Acute phase: Fever, headache, myalgia, pharyngitis Morbilliform rash Generalized Immune phase: hemorrhage, jaundice, organ failure Leukocytosis, microscopic agglutination test is positive
Acute retroviral syndrome (HIV) Fever, fatigue headache Maculopapular rash Trunk and upper arms ± palms and soles Myalgia, lymphadenopathy HIV RNA, P24 antigen
Rocky mountain spotted fever 3-12 days, fever, malaise, headache Erythematous macules, evolves to petechiae and purpura Begins on wrist, ankles; spreads centrally; seen on palms and soles Hepatosplenomegaly, hyponatremia, myalgias, CNS involve ment Rickettsial group specific serologic tests positive
Drug exanthem 4-6 days, fever, malaise Maculopapular or urticarial Generalized symmetric often spares the face, palms and soles may be involved Periorbital edema, fever ESR is low