Table 3.
Differential diagnosis of classic dengue fever associated morbilliform eruption
Disease | Incubation/presenting symptoms | Morphology | Distribution of rash | Associated findings | Laboratory findings |
Measles | 8-12 days, rhinitis, cough, fever | Erythematous macules and papules, later becomes confluent | Begins on neck and face, spreads down and become generalized and as it fades it leaves a brownish hue with fine desquamation | Koplik's spots, exudative conjunctivitis, photophobia, pneumonia | Leucopenia, low ESR, IgM positive (measles, immunoglobulin) |
German measles (Rubella) | 14-23 days, mild URI, fever, eye pain, lymphadenopathy | Pinpoint maculopapular rash | Begins on face and spreads to trunk and extremities | Tender cervical lymphadenopathy, transient polyarthralgia and polyarthritis irritability, febrile seizures | Nasal culture for virus antibody titers |
Roseola (Exanthem subitum HHV-6) | 5-15 days, high fever for 3-5 days, diarrhea, cough | Pale pink macules and papules | Trunk, neck and proximal extremities | Leucocytosis at the onset and leucopenia later | |
Infectious mono-nucleosis | Fever, malaise | Polymorphic macularerythema ± petechiae, urticaria, erythema multiforme like lesions | Generalized | Pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, pinhead petechiae at the junction of soft and hard palate (Forschheimer's spots) | Leukocytosis, atypical lymphocytes LFT (transaminases and bilirubin) may be elevated, serology for heterophilic antibodies positive |
Secondary syphilis | Fever, headache, pharyngitis | Polymorphic macules/papules/psoriasiform papules | Generalized | Lymphadenopathy ± condyloma lata ± moth eaten alopecia | VDRL positive |
Typhoid fever | Fever, vomiting, diarrhea, headache | 2-3 mm pink grouped papules (Rose spots) generalized erythema “erythema typhosum” | Generalized, trunk | Rose spot cultures may be Salmonella typhi positive | |
Chikungunya fever | 3-12 days, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, headache, vomiting | Flushing erythema maculopapular lesions, ± petechiae | Trunk and extremities | Severe joint pains, conjunctival injection | Normal CBC, raised ESR, raised C-reactive protein, Chikungunya IgM positive |
Lepto-spirosis | Acute phase: Fever, headache, myalgia, pharyngitis | Morbilliform rash | Generalized | Immune phase: hemorrhage, jaundice, organ failure | Leukocytosis, microscopic agglutination test is positive |
Acute retroviral syndrome (HIV) | Fever, fatigue headache | Maculopapular rash | Trunk and upper arms ± palms and soles | Myalgia, lymphadenopathy | HIV RNA, P24 antigen |
Rocky mountain spotted fever | 3-12 days, fever, malaise, headache | Erythematous macules, evolves to petechiae and purpura | Begins on wrist, ankles; spreads centrally; seen on palms and soles | Hepatosplenomegaly, hyponatremia, myalgias, CNS involve ment | Rickettsial group specific serologic tests positive |
Drug exanthem | 4-6 days, fever, malaise | Maculopapular or urticarial | Generalized symmetric often spares the face, palms and soles may be involved | Periorbital edema, fever | ESR is low |