The BrainMap database is an online archive of published neuroimaging results in the form of stereotactic coordinates (Fox and Lancaster, 2002; Laird et al., 2005a). As of September 2009, BrainMap contained a total of 1822 functional neuroimaging papers, with publication dates ranging from August 1985 to August 2009. The template and software used during spatial normalization is recorded for each paper. A total of 797 papers published coordinates in Talairach space (43.7%) (citing either the 1988 or 1967 atlases). This includes 27 papers that referenced the Human Brain Atlas (Roland et al., 1993), which are arguably not Talairach coordinates. There were 873 papers that published results in which subject brains were normalized relative to MNI space (47.9%), and 152 papers that normalized to MNI space but stated that they used the Brett transform to convert their MNI coordinates to Talairach coordinates (8.3%).