Screen shots of representative loci show endo-siRNAs mostly in exons. (A,B) Sense and antisense reads are shown for dcr-1(−/−)WT (red) and dcr-1(−/−)K39A (blue) with gene structures for plus strand loci above coordinates and those for minus below. Each bar is one read (size to scale, except F28D1.10 [gex-3]), and here data were not normalized to account for the ∼2.5-fold more reads of dcr-1(−/−)K39A samples. In A reads map almost exclusively to exons (black rectangles), while those in B map to introns (lines, reads in shaded boxes) and exons. (C) Bar height is number of reads at each genomic position of X-cluster for dcr-1(−/−)WT (red) and dcr-1(−/−)K39A (blue) samples.