Far-UV CD spectra of N-domains of DELLA proteins. A, CD spectra of AtRGL1n (blue), AtRGL2n (green), AtRGL3n (orange), AtRGAn (cyan), RHT1n (black), and AtGAIn (purple). The ellipticity [θ] at both 200 and 222 nm are shown in the inset. B, 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE)-induced folding of AtRGL2n with 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol percentage: 0% (blue), 10% (pink), 20% (cyan), 30% (green), 40% (red), and 50% (black). The ellipticity [θ] at 222 nm versus TFE percentage is shown in the inset. C, temperature effect on folding of AtRGL2n at room temperature (purple), 40 °C (cyan), 60 °C (pink), 70 °C (blue), and 80 °C (orange). The ellipticity [θ] at 222 nm versus temperature is shown in the inset.