Figure 3. Results of Association Analyses and Linkage-Disequilibrium Blocks for the IL12A and IL12RB2 Loci.
Data are shown for the IL12A (encoding interleukin-12α) locus (Panel A) and the IL12RB2 (encoding interleukin-12 receptor β2) locus (Panel B). The results of chi-square analyses are presented in the top plots. Underneath the plots, the organization of the target genes and surrounding loci in humans is shown (not to exact scale). At the bottom, the haplotype block structure is depicted for 25 genotyped SNPs in the IL12A locus (Panel A) and 30 genotyped SNPs in the IL12RB2 locus (Panel B). The block structure is based on criteria established by Gabriel et al.,20 with the use of pairwise estimates of standardized Lewontin's disequilibrium coefficient (D′), whereas the linkage disequilibrium among pairs of SNPs was characterized on the basis of the square of the correlation coefficient (r2). Regions with high r2 values are dark gray, and regions with lower r2 values are lighter gray (i.e., the shade lightens with decreasing r2 values).