Figure 2. Progress in the results of pig heterotopic heart transplantation in baboons (1986–2005).
(A) Survival (in hours) of selected pig heterotopic heart grafts in baboons (1986–1996). (B) Survival (in days) of selected pig heterotopic heart grafts in baboons (1997–1999). (C) Survival (in weeks) of selected pig heterotopic heart grafts in baboons (2000–2005).
CVF: Cobra venom factor; EIA: Extracorporeal immunoadsorption; GTKO: α1,3-galactosyltransferase gene-knockout; hDAF: Pig transgenic for human decay-accelerating factor; IS: Pharmacologic immunosuppressive therapy; KIA: Prior pig kidney perfusion to deplete antipig antibodies; SPX: Splenectomy; TIR: Tolerance-inducing regimen; WT: Wild-type.
Reproduced with permission from [72].