Figure 2.
Fluorescence spectroscopy monitoring lipid exchange and liposomal content transfer and leakage. SRB/DiD-labeled DOPC liposomes were incubated with X31 influenza virions at pH 5.5 and 5.0. Fluorescence dequenching of the water-soluble (SRB, solid circles) and lipophilic (DiD, open circles) dyes was monitored as a function of time. The vertical scales for the two pH conditions are the same. Extent of dequenching was calculated as [F(t)−F(0)]/[FTX-100−F(0)], where FTX-100 was the fluorescence measured in the presence of 0.1% w/v TritonX-100 detergent. Fitted curves are only meant to guide the eye and are not intended to reflect a particular kinetic model.