Figure 1.
(A) Stress-strain response of Sylgard 160 and Sylgard 170 as determined in Doyle et al. (2009e). (B) Comparison of stress-strain responses between Sylgard materials and in vivo AAA tissue (Raghavan and Vorp, 2000) over the AAA tissue strain range. (C) Idealised AAA models created with Sylgard 160 and Sylgard 170. These commercially available silicone rubbers have different ultimate tensile strengths (UTS) according to the Dow Corning specification sheets (Sylgard 160 = 4 MPa; Sylgard 170 = 2 MPa) and are also different in appearance (Sylgard 160 = Grey; Sylgard 170 = Black). Uniaxial tensile testing together with numerical analyses deemed that a 1st order Ogden strain energy function (SEF) (Ogden, 1984) accurately describes both materials, with material coefficients for Sylgard 160: µ= 1.6525, α = 3.2395; and for Sylgard 170: µ= 0.6988, α = 2.9741 (Doyle et al. (2009e).