Figure 1. Global trends of Human DNA methylomes.
a, The percent of methylcytosines identified for H1 and IMR90 cells in each sequence context. b, AnnoJ browser representation of OCT4. c, Distribution of the methylation level in each sequence context. The y-axis indicates the fraction of all methylcytosines that display each methylation level (x-axis), where methylation level is the mC/C ratio at each reference cytosine (at least 10 reads required) d, Blue dots indicate methylcytosine density in H1 cells in 10 kb windows throughout chromosome 12 (black rectangle, centromere). Smoothed lines represent the methylcytosine density in each context in H1 and IMR90. Black triangles indicate various regions of contrasting trends in CG and non-CG methylation. Abbreviations: mC, methylcytosine.