Name, Family and Country of Origin of Natural Products from which Aqueous Extracts Produced the Highest Levels of KSHV Reactivation in Initial Screen
Name | Family | Country of origin | Log copies per 105 cells |
Chasmanthera dependens | Menispermaceae | Tanzania | 10.36 |
Lepistemon owariensis | Convolvulaceae | Tanzania | 10.32 |
Chenopodium fasciculosum | Chenopodiaceae | Tanzania | 10.08 |
Acacia amythethophylla | Mimosaceae | Tanzania | 10.00 |
Vepris simplicifolia | Rutaceae | Tanzania | 9.96 |
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum | Fabaceae | Ghana | 9.94 |
Not identified1 | Leguminoseae | Papua New Guinea | 9.88 |
Pittosporum verticillatum | Pittosporaceae | Madagascar | 9.83 |
Dracaena fragrans | Agavaceae | Tanzania | 9.74 |
Cleistanthus polystachyus | Euphorbiaceae | Cameroon | 9.71 |
Astripomoea grantii | Convolvulaceae | Tanzania | 9.70 |
Not identified2 | Not Identified | Philippine Islands | 9.57 |
Eugenia soyauxii | Myrtaceae | Gabon | 9.51 |
Psorospermum febrifugum | Hyperiaceae | Tanzania | 9.51 |
Maesa lanceolata | Myrsinaceae | Tanzania | 9.45 |
Emilia coccinea | Asteraceae | Tanzania | 9.30 |
Erythrina dominguezii | Leguminosae | Bolivia | 9.30 |
Salacia whytei | Celastraceae | Gabon | 9.28 |
Salvadora persica | Salvadoraceae | Tanzania | 9.28 |
Brucea antidysenterica | Simaroubaceae | Tanzania | 9.26 |
Chlorophytum blepharophyllum | Liliaceae | Tanzania | 9.26 |
Ekebergia benguelensis | Meliaceae | Tanzania | 9.23 |
Cnestis ferruginea | Connaraceae | Cameroon | 9.20 |
Stericulia tragacantha | Sterculiaceae | Gabon | 9.18 |
Testulea gabonensis | Ochnaceae | Gabon | 9.15 |
Datura stramonium | Solanaceae | Tanzania | 9.15 |
Canavalia rosea | Fabaceae | Ghana | 9.04 |
Aspilia bussei | Asteraceae | Ghana | 9.04 |
Unidentified legume.
Unidentified marine animal.