Impaired patency, obstruction eg stridor, burns, trauma |
Impaired protection, eg depressed consciousness, bulbar dysfunction |
Breathing: |
Respiratory arrests |
Respiratory rate <8 or >30 |
Acute hypoxia: partial pressure of oxygen <8 kPa on fractional inspired oxygen 0.6 (maximum possible on ward) |
Acute hypercapnia: partial pressure of carbon dioxide >6.5 kPa |
Circulation: |
Cardiac arrest |
Pulse (in sinus rhythm) <40 or >140 beats/min |
Systolic blood pressure ⩽90 mm Hg |
Acidaemia: pH <7.20 (hydrogen ions >62 nmol/l) |
Urine: |
Acute oliguria: <30 ml/hour or <0.5 ml/kg/hour |
Consciousness: |
Glasgow coma score <12 or fall of 2 or more points |
Repeated or prolonged seizures |
Miscellaneous: |
Patient causing concern to medical, nursing, or physiotherapy staff |