Figure 3. Endochondral ossification in the absence of IL-1β signaling in a non-stabilized fracture model.
(A) Sections stained with safranin-O and fast green illustrate that endochondral ossification in wild type animals at day 7, (B) day 10, (C) day 14, and (D) day 28 appears similar to (E) mutants at day 7, (F) day 10, (G) day 14, and (H) day 28. (I) Modified Milligans Trichrome stain of section derived from a wild type mouse at day 14. (J) At this time Col10 and (K) osteocalcin (OC) are robust in the fracture callus. (L) At day 10, no differences in bone, cartilage and callus volume were detected between wild type (n=4) and knock-out (n=4). (M) Modified Milligan's Trichrome stain of section derived from a mutant mouse at day 14. (N) At this time Col10 and (O) osteocalcin (OC) appeared similar to wild type animals. (P) Similarly, wild type (n=6) and mutants (n=6) did not exhibit significant differences at day 14. Scale bar: A-H=2mm, I,M=2mm, J,K,N,O=200μm. Data are mean +/- standard deviation.