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Table 1.

Baseline characteristics

Characteristic Value
Patients, n (%) 33 (100)
Male sex, n (%) 28 (85)
Median age, y (range) 42 (9-61)
ECOG performance status 2-4, n (%) 13 (39)
Stage III/IV, n (%) 4/23 (82)
LDH level greater than normal, n (%) 20 (61)
At least 2 extranodal sites, n (%) 16 (48)
CNS involvement, n (%) 4 (12)
Age-adjusted IPI
    0/1, n (%) 4/4 (24)
    2/3, n (%) 17/8 (76)
Median CD4 count, cells/μL (cells/mm3) 208
    3-100 cells/μL (3-100 cells/mm3), n (%) 14 (42)
    101-674 cells/μL (101-674 cells/mm3), n (%) 29 (58)
HIV viral load
    Median 36 100
    Range 0-6 080 000
cART history
    cART naive, n (%) 9 (27)
    Prior cART, n (%) 24 (73)
Histologic subtype (n = 29)
    GCB, n (%) 21 (72)
    Non-GCB, n (%) 8 (28)
EBV (n = 29)
    Positive, n (%) 9 (31)
    Negative, n (%) 20 (69)

ECOG indicates Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; CNS, central nervous system; IPI, International Prognostic Index; cART, combination antiretroviral therapy; GCB, germinal center B-cell; and EBV, Epstein-Barr virus.