Figure 1. Effect of Bcl-2 concentration on release of molecules of different sizes from liposomes.
A, extent of release of 0.5-kDa CB dyes (black bar), 3 (stretched bar) or 10-kDa (white bar) CB-dextrans from 12.5 μM Ni2+-chelating liposome by various concentrations of His6-Bcl-2ΔTM protein in the presence or absence of 10 nM tBid was determined by the extent of fluorescence quenching (ΔFBcl-2ΔTM/ΔFTriton) after a 3-hr incubation at pH 7.4. Data shown are averages from three independent experiments with standard deviation (S.D., error bar). B, release kinetics of the CB dye and CB-dextrans from 12.5 μM Ni2+-liposome by 100 nM His6-Bcl-2ΔTM and 10 nM tBid at pH 7.4 was measured by continuously monitoring the extent of fluorescence quenching for 3 hr. Data shown are averages from three independent experiments with S.D. (error bars). (□) 0.5-kDa CB; (●) 3-kDa CB-dextran; (○) 10-kDa CB-dextran; (■) the negative control, 0.5-kDa CB loaded liposome incubated with protein buffer.