Figure 4. Models of recent African origin involving different dispersal scenarios.
(A) General RAOEB model best fitting the data, with parameter ranges given in Table 2. This model assumes a single out-of-Africa dispersal followed by the European and East-Asian split. (B) RAOEB model involving two independent, concomitant dispersals out of Africa, each giving rise to Europeans and East-Asians. (C) RAOEB model involving two independent dispersals out of Africa occurring at different times, the earlier giving rise to Europeans. (D) RAOEB model involving two independent dispersals out of Africa occurring at different times, the earlier giving rise to East Asians. For models B–D, the ranges of parameters are the same as those given in Table 2. The alternative dispersal model B (two independent dispersals at the same time) was performed using a split of the two non Africans populations concomitant with the time of out-of-Africa exodus (TOoA) simulated with the same prior reported in Table 2. The two alternative dispersal models C and D (two independent dispersals at different times) were simulated using times for the first out-of-Africa exodus drawn from the first half of the prior distribution of TOoA (Table 2), while times for the second out-of-Africa exodus were drawn from the second half of the prior distribution of TOoA. (E) Posterior probability estimated for the 4 possible dispersal models represented in A, B, C, and D.