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. 2009 Apr;26(4):849–859. doi: 10.1089/ees.2008.0277
C D drag coefficient (dimensionless)
D TCE−water diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
Fe total quantity of all iron species (mmol)
(H2O2)0 initial total quantity of hydrogen peroxide (mmol)
[H2O2] hydrogen peroxide concentration (mmol/L)
[H2O2]0 initial hydrogen peroxide concentration (mmol/L)
k c mass transfer coefficient (m/s)
kTCE fitted first-order rate constant for constant [OH·] model (s−1)
kTCE observed rate constant for varying [OH·] model (dimensionless)
M TCE molecular weight of TCE (g/mol)
n number of TCE droplets (dimensionless)
[OH·] hydroxyl radical concentration (mmol/L)
R droplet radius (m)
Re Reynolds number (dimensionless)
S surface area of single droplet (m2)
Sc Schmidt number (dimensionless)
Sh Sherwood number (dimensionless)
TCE0 initial total quantity of TCE (mmol)
[TCE]aq aqueous-phase TCE concentration (mmol/L)
[TCE]aq,0 initial aqueous-phase TCE concentration (mmol/L)
[TCE]sat TCE saturation concentration (mmol/L)
U velocity of droplet relative to surrounding fluid (m/s)
V reactor volume (L)
W r mass flux in radial direction (mmol s−1 m−2)
α proportionality constant relating [OH·] and d[H2O2]/dt [Equations (30, 31)] (s)
δ droplet boundary layer thickness (m)
ν kinematic viscosity of water (m2/s)
ρTCE density of TCE (g/m3)