Tumor-specific loss of Brm mRNA and protein is observed in human prostate cancers. A, Brm (SMARCA2) expression was analyzed in benign prostatic hyperplasia (n = 6), primary prostatic adenocarcinomas (n = 79), and metastatic samples of prostate cancer (n = 8; bottom). The relative expression levels as compared with nonneoplastic controls are shown, as determined using all SMARCA2 probe sets that map to the 3′-end of the gene. B, using gene expression analyses for tumors in A, the relative association between SMARCA2 status (using four probe sets, green bar) and AR target gene expression (Nkx3.1, KLK2, and KLK3) was assessed. C, analyses of Brm protein levels in matched nonneoplastic and primary prostate cancer specimens. Top, representative immunostaining. Bottom, quantification of expression from 34 matched samples using a 0 to 3 scale based on the intensity of immunohistochemistry. Relative expression and n for each category. Red dotted lines, the cohorts in which Brm expression was unchanged relative to nonneoplastic; black lines, tumor specimens for which Brm levels were reduced. D, relative Brm expression as a function of Gleason grade, as obtained by tissue microarray. Bars, mean.