Figure 1.
Gefitinib resistant PC9 cells contain EGFRT790M and are growth inhibited by PF00299804. A. Parental and resistant PC9GR4 cells were treated with gefitinib at the indicated concentrations, and viable cells were measured after 72 hours of treatment and plotted relative to untreated controls. B. Sequence tracing of EGFR exon 20 from PC9GR4 cells demonstrates a small peak (arrow) containing the mutant T allele (wild type ACG (T); mutant ATG (M)). C. The PC9GR clones do not contain other focal genomic changes. The PC9GR clones (right) were compared with the PC9 clones (1st column). The blue curve on the right indicates degree of amplification of each SNP from 0 (left) to 8 (right). D. PF00299804 inhibits the growth of PC9GR4 cells. The PC9GR4 cells were treated with increasing concentrations of gefitinib or PF00299804 and viable cells quantified using MTS assay.