Figure 6.
Fixation control experiment (Experiment 3) with (A, B) and without (C) masking. The target was located within (A, C) and outside (B) 5.0º of the fixation point. (A) In the absence of eye movements (fixation enforced) and in the presence of a mask, performance and confidence depend strongly on trial duration (ANOVA, p < 0.05) if targets were located within 5.0º of the fixation point. Performance is above chance (yellow bars) for presentation times >375 ms. (B) It targets were located further then 5.0º from fixation, performance (green bars) was never significantly higher than chance (yellow bars) and depended only weakly on time (ANOVA, p = 0.02). (C) Without the mask (and r < 5.0º), performance is independent of time (p = 0.76, ANOVA) and always different from chance. All ANOVA values refer to a one-way ANOVA (see Supplementary Material for details).