Figure 2.
SDS–PAGE analyses of fusion proteins, Galectin-1-hum-β4GalT-7 (A) and MBP-hum-β4GalT-7 (B). Markers (A1 and B1). Galectin-1-hum-β4Gal-T7 after purification on alpha lactose column (A2), and MBP-hum-β4Gal-T7 after purification on alpha amylose column (B2). Galectin-1-hum-β4Gal-T7 after cleavage with Tev (A3), and MBP-hum-β4Gal-T7 after cleavage with Factor Xa (B3). β4Gal-T7 after purification on UDP-agarose column from galectin-1-fusion protein (A4) and from MBP-fusion protein (B4).