Crystallographic analysis of wild-type and M4 TEASs bound to fluoro-FPPs. a) Global structure of TEAS is illustrated as a rainbow-colored ribbon with the active site region boxed. b) Zoomed-in view of the Mg2+-diphosphate coordination complex of the M4 TEAS-cis-2F-FPP complex with the 2Fo − Fc map contoured at 3σ. c) Close-up view of the DDxxD motif (residues 301, 302 (not shown), and 305), neighboring NSE/DTE motif (residues 444, 448, and 452), coordinating Mg2+ and diphosphate in the indicated fluoro-farnesyl diphosphate complexes contoured at 1σ in the 2Fo − Fc SIGMAA-weighted electron density map. d) Close-up of the TEAS-cis-2F-FPP complex active site showing the bound ligand and the neighboring TEAS residues. e) Ligand density for the respective complexes with the SIGMAA-weighted 2Fo − Fc electron density map contoured to either 1σ (dark blue) or 0.6σ (light blue).