Table 1.
The catalytic rate constants for O2·− dismutation (kcat in M−1s−1 at 25°C) and ONOO− reduction (kred in M−1 s−1 at 37°C); lipophilicity expressed in terms of partition between n-octanol and water, POW for oxidized, MnIIIPs and reduced MnIIPs; thermodynamic property, metal-centered reduction potential for the redox couple MnIIIP/MnIIP, E1/2 in mV vs NHE; and blood to brain ratio for ethyl, MnTE-2-PyP5+ and hexyl, MnTnHex-2-PyP5+ analogues.
MnP | log kcat (O2·−) | log kred(ONOO−) | E1/2 | POW(MnIIIP) | POW(MnIIP) | Rf Blood : brain ratio | |
MnTE-2-PyP5+ | 7.76a | 7.53b(>7)c | +228a | −6.89d | −4.69e | 0.23 | 100f |
MnTnHex-2-PyP5+ | 7.48a | 7.11b | +314a | −2.76d | −1.64e | 0.48 | 8f |
value in parenthesis relates to MnII(Ferrer-Sueta et al., 2006);
Data calculated based on Rf values for metal-center reduced Mn(II) porphyrins (by ascorbate) on TLC silica plates in KNO3 - saturated H2O : H2O : acetonitrile = 1:1:8 and POW vs Rf relationships, log POW= 12.18 × Rf −7.43, from ref (Kos et al., 2009); Rf, a thin-layer chromatographic retention factor is a ratio of MnP path over solvent path, POW partition coefficient between n-octanol and water;
Spasojevic et al, unpublished.