Persistent panic attacks |
djust dose (plasma levels may help)
witch or add agent to existing
At least 8 weeks
Address specific conditions ("Table 3)
Rule out social phobia, OCD, PTSD
Persistent anticipatory/generalized anxiety |
Adjust dose, add BZ or beta blocker
Adjust dose, add beta blocker, BZ
Switch to longer-acting agent
Assess and treat as indicated
Add/increase BZ, add buspirone
Residual phobia |
Other etiology
Residual agoraphobia
Review for other phobic disorders, depression
CBT/exposure, adjust medication treatment
Other disorders |
Mood disorder
Anxiety disorder
Social phobia
Alcohol use disorder
Personality disorders
Medical disorder
Antidepressant treatment plus anxiolytic; valproate for bipolar disorder
SSRIs, CBT, anxiolytics as indicated
Specific treatment for symptoms present, SSRIs, CBT, others
Psychosocial treatment for alcohol-related behavior
SSRIs, TCA, avoid BZs
Specific psychotherapy
Review and modify treatment as indicated
Environmental event/stressor(s) |
Family/spouse interview and education
Environmental hygiene as indicated
Brief adjustment in treatment plan(s) as necessary
Other |