Figure 6. Strand Transfer Reactions with Low dNTP Concentration.
(a) Please see Figure 2(a). (b) Strand transfer reactions were performed with low (+) and high (++) dNTP concentrations (see “Materials and Methods”), with or without the PCIS, with E478Q (Q) or WT RTs and sampled at 1, 5, 15 and 60 min. Products were visualized by denaturing PAGE. Unextended primers (P), Donor extension (DE) and strand transfer (TP) products are indicated. Strand transfer products shown are from reactions with NC, but other reactions were also done without NC (not shown). (c–f) Strand transfer efficiencies at 60 min only are represented. (c) WT RT without NC; (d) WT RT with NC; (e) E478Q RT without NC; (f) E478Q with NC.